Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

What a wonderful thing to be called a Mom!!! When we started out on our adoption journey in May, 2007, never did I think that I would not be celebrating my 1st Mother's day until May, 2010 BUT although we had encountered lots of obsticles during our journey, I would have waited 3 more years to celebrate Mother's day for our sweet beautiful little angel that we had always dreamed of! Matthew is all of our dreams come true and the light of our lives!!! Yes, he is an almost 2 year old and starting to have more and more of those 2 year old moments but he is just the most loveable little boy and if I could, I would hold him and snuggle with him all day long! I am attaching a picture from the 1st day I ever held my baby in my arms to a picture of my baby boy and I on our 1st Mother's day!


  1. Love, love, love the first pic! Happy Mother's Day to you!!

  2. What a super sweet first Mother's Day! I'm so happy for you!!

  3. Love the pictures! Glad you Mother's Day was great!

  4. Happy first Mother's Day! You are right, Matthew was worth the wait!
