Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Home Sweet Home!!!

3 Flights.....24+hours.......We are home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How wonderful it was to pull in the driveway last evening very late!!! Our little angel is adjusting unbelievably!!! He is such a happy happy little boy except sometimes from 1 am to 5 am (we have to work on that!!) Other than lack of sleep.....LIFE IS GREAT!!!! He loves his new house, his new room, all of his toys and his puppies.....well, not too sure about them yet but getting better by the minute!!!!

Will update some more after we get settled and rested!!!!


  1. Tracey, Have a BIG smile on my face. We are happy for you as your journey continues back home where you belong. Will be in touch.
    Love the pics!!!!!!!!

  2. So happy for all of you to be finally home. my husband and I are waiting on a referral from Vladivostok.

  3. Hooray! Welcome home and welcome to the US, Matthew!

  4. Welcome home!
    Hey by the way ..............sleep is overated! Just kidding!
    Glad you made it home safely! So happy for you guys! Can't wait to read more!

  5. Woohoo! That picture of your dog looking at Matthew is classic! Too cute :)

  6. Welcome Home! I love that last pictur e- Our dogs quickly learned hanging out by the highchair was WAY better than hanging out under our chairs!!

  7. Love the pic's from Moscow & even more the ones from home! So very happy for you guys!

    Mike,Carey & Grace.
